Thursday, September 23, 2010


  The Uniforms are in and ready to hand out. We did not get the blue ones, but we got green instead. Mr. Pope had forgotten that they were promised to another team. Thats ok! We will make the green work..right? There was some concerns whether it would still work with our team name, and I feel that we will be just fine. I would like to see if enough of us are willing to pay a couple extra dollars to add the names to the back and maybe a logo? If we need to raise the money through some type of fund raiser, let me know. Just thought it might be a good idea. Some other teams are doing it and I think it is around $8 each. I hope to see as many at practice today as possible. I will be laying out the positions and gameplay. See you then...

Coach Hall

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great. I can fork up the extra for Paige but if needed don't mind doing fundraisers to help out. Thanks Coach!
